M&E Services Barnett Hill Hotel | KCS Consulting Ltd

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Barnett Hill Hotel - Coach House Refurbishment, Guildford

Barnett Hill Hotel is located within the village of Wonersh just outside of Guildford and is a grade 2 listed property. Barnett Hill was built by the grandson of Thomas Cook, Frank Cook, constructing a Queen Anne-style mansion. The house later passed to The Red Cross who owned it until 2006 - today, this is a hotel, conference and events venue managed by Alexander Hotels.

KCS Consulting Limited were instructed to carry out the full mechanical and electrical design to provide new services to the grade 2 listed coach house block at Barnett Hill Hotel which will be totally refurbished structurally and aesthetically inside upon completion.

The Coach house refurbishment work is one of three phases that KCS Consulting Ltd are involved with. The three phases are as followed:

Phase 1: Coach House Refurbishment
Phase 2: Luxury Spa Development
Phase 3: New hotel kitchen and Eatery

Prior to the main design works, an infrastructure survey was carried out which highlighted that the capacity of the existing electrical supply would not allow for the future proposed developments. This resulted in KCS Consulting submitting an application for a new 500kVa electrical supply on the client's behalf dealing with the utility company direct and co-ordination of the works.

In addition to the new electrical supply, the client had requested site wide backup in the event of a power cut therefore, KCS Consulting produced a scheme for a generator set with a specialist company which consisted of two 330kVa generators which would operate simultaneously and modulate in line with the electrical load.

The Mechanical services design consisted of the following:

  • VRF Comfort cooling/heating.
  • Domestic water supplies
  • Ventilation throughout
  • Plant room design/configuration.
  • Modifications to existing gas supply.
  • Working with specialists, providing a proposal for a fire hydrant system.
  • Gas detection system.
  • Refrigerant leak detection system throughout accommodation to comply with EN 378.

The Electrical services design consisted of the following:

  • Lighting and Emergency lighting design.
  • Main LV Switch panel located within M&E services compound.
  • Distribution with necessary surge protection and metering.
  • Small power and mechanical plant supplies
  • Fire alarm system inc AOVs
  • Electric heating in bathrooms provided by or a combination of panel heaters, fan convectors and underfloor mats as per client's requirements.
  • External lighting provisions
  • External services such as duct routes site wide

KCS consulting Ltd also proposed a design for a compound which would house major plant such as the new 500kVa substations, LV panel enclosure, generator sets, diesel tank and condensers. The requirements were to configure the compound in such a way that noise would not interrupt hotel guests in operation and would be kept discreet due to rural setting.

The complete project value is circa £1,000,000.00.

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